If you like, here is..: Red Marker III
- Yes, hurry up here, I can see its beams of light through the fog
- Oh the stairs *agh pant pant*... aah yes there I can see it. Christ.... Peculiar phonemeon
- Yes indeed, some kind of aerial vehicle it seems?
- Vehicle.. Perhaps
- It will touch the downtown church tower if it goes yonder
- Maybe I should give a shout...? ahem, here we go.. Throw her up higher or she'll hit the steeple!!!!!!!
- Nothing... They cannot hear you from this distance. Still.. It just... gives me the chills. Unhuman thing
- SHUT IT. ...It must be unheard on this earth. Even if it was a vehicle, what makes it run?
- Steam?
- 'Ave you seen them steam engines? They weight as much as my house. And you cannot make my house fly! She is not a balloon, because there's no wind and the thing it moves forth, there are the heavy lights and wings and...
- ....It is not a machine of any kind then. I... I have to say it makes me bit ill. Scared like a child. You've seen the flying balloon with people flying them. They fill her up with some very hot air and it goes up. This is not a balloon. And those are not lime lights. they are too bright.
- Not a balloon. exquisite.. horrendous.
- She's disappearing into the dark now. With that tremendous speed it will hit the church right about..... ..... ... ... ... ... ........ . now... ... ?...
- I can not hear anything.. Gone. She missed it.. It was steered off course. Something made it avoid the steeple
- Yes... ... ok.. ok... .. Let's go down to Henry's to sum this up.. I need some of that local warm ale after this horror. And the cold..
- I'll help you with the article. We'll get some money out of this. Even if it give me nightmares
- I get some money out of it, not you..
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