perjantai 7. huhtikuuta 2017


Burou’s first vaginoplasty, in 1956, took him three hours to complete, however at the height of his sex-reassignment work by 1974, performing up to six vaginoplasties a month, he could complete the procedure in one hour. The post-op patient’s arms were strapped to the bed for the first night after the procedure.

The drain was removed 48 hours after surgery, the catheter four days, and the stent eight. The new vagina was managed by frequent or daily insertion of fingers or retractors, and the new urethra was kept open by the daily introduction of the catheter, ensuring against neomeatal stenosis. Most patients spent two weeks in the clinic.

The operation began with an incision from the anal area through the scrotal raphe. After dissecting of the bulbus urethrae and both corpora cavernosa, the rectum and the prostate were separated by cutting all the ligaments between the bulb and the rectum.

Subsequently, all erectile bodies were pushed out and dissected from the penile skin. When available, the foreskin was kept and the distal, coronal edge of the penile skin was closed; this yielded the skin tube that was inserted as neovaginal lining.

1 kommentti:

  1. Tunnettua sananlaskua siteeraten hullu paljon työtä tekee, viisas pääsee vähemmällä.

    Miksi nähdä noin paljon vaivaa näin yksinkertaisessa operaatiossa, jossa ei tarvitsisi kuin leikata heppi ja pallit irti ja kääntää reunat sisään, jolloin lopputuloksesta tulisi oikein nätti? Kun sitähän ei voi käyttää edes kusemiseen, vaan on kykistettävä pissimään.
