sunnuntai 29. toukokuuta 2016


Paskaa tulevaa juhannusta. Toivottavasti lämpötila laskee 8 asteeseen ja sataa viikon putkeen.

Toivottavasti tilillä ei ole rahaa tarpeeksi tehdä mitään kivaa tai lähteä minnekään juhannuksena. Kotona istumista ja steven seagalin tai haihurrikaanin tuijotusta aivokuolleena, sohvan pohjalla. Makaroonia ja lenkkimakkaraa pannulla käristettynä. Vain 3 olutta jääkaapissa.

Selkäkipuja. Punkki sellaisessa paikassa mistä sitä ei saa yksin pois, ja asut yksin.

Lasku joka pitäisi maksaa mutta joutuu soittelemaan firmalle että voisiko ensi kuun alussa maksaa.

Viemärit tukossa.

Kissa pyyhkii perseensä lattiaan ja uuteen mattoosi ja lakanoihisi.

Punkkeja kissalla, helvetisti. Yrität repiä niitä irti mutta pari niistä repeytyy punkkipihtien alla koska kissa liikahtaa, ja ne perkeleet avautuu mitä iljettävämmällä tavalla valuen mystistä visvaa ja kissan verta.

Näet painajaisia ötököistä 2 päivän ajan.

Lyöt varpaan pöydänjalkaan helvetin kovaa.

Käytit 5 minuuttia tehdäksesi voileivät kaikilla herkuilla, ja sitten pudotat ne lattialle kun kävelet TV:n ääreen.

Nettiyhteydessä huoltokatko koko päivän. Katsot telkusta jotain fitnesspäiväkirjoja ja kiroat elämää.

Haluat paeta, lähdet ulos, mutta polkupyöräsi takakumi fuskaa.

Päätät kajota säästötiliisi ja ostaa lavan kaljaa. Kaikki on taas hyvin!


Politiikkaa. Älkää kutsuko sitä "maahanmuutoksi". Kutsukaa sitä kansanmurhaksi. Termi tarttuu, leviää. Rikolliset saatetaan oikeuden eteen.

Italian politician: “this organized immigration is an attempt of genocide”

Matteo Salvini is the federal secretary of Italy’s Northern League, he’s also a member of Italian parliament and member of the European parliament.

During an interview with Sky Tg 24 he said:
“Immigration is organized and financed by those who benefit. We simply want controlled immigration. The more we do, the fewer of them die.”

“The real refugees who need help and to be saved are no more than 10 percent of those who arrive in Italy. The others from Africa we have to stop.”

“Who would think I want someone’s death? I just wish that these people would create a future in their home.”
“This organized immigration is an attempt of genocide, they [the organizers] are making lots of money; they are the real thugs, the real racists.”

Another politician comes out against White genocide! There was a German politician who did just a few days ago.

It is very important that we call this agenda White genocide (or just genocide). Calling it genocide implies that the destruction of White majorities is deliberate (which it is), and it is also a crime written into international laws.

In other words, if we get enough people speaking out about this, the criminals responsible for it could be taken to court in the future and charged for their crimes.


Migrants from the Middle East, hitting a night club near the Norwegian border in the Murmansk region, started harassing Russian young women, and realised too late that they were not in the EU. Russian men, as they should have known, and as our picture suggests, are slightly different to those in the West.
Though the police authorities have no wish to talk about it, in effect denying mass injuries to a group of migrants, local social network users were happy to share their commentaries on the incident.
The trouble started when Norway expelled about 50 Middle Eastern and Afghanistan migrants for “bad behavior” back to Russia, which they’d passed through on their way to the land of milk, honey and liberal-minded blondes. Once in Russia, the testosterone-charged ‘refugees’ decided to go out for some fun at the local “Gandvik” discotheque, and oblivious to where they were, decided to start groping the Russian girls.
The problem came down to the fact that in Murmansk, men just aren’t brainwashed into the tolerance of ‘enlightened’ Europe. Judging from the comments of local social network users, they tried to run away and hide, but they were found and “educated.” If entire squadrons of police hadn’t arrived, the situation would have gotten really bad, especially in view of the frosts of Murmansk.
To make things even worse for the migrant gropers, judging by the identical reaction of the police, the agents of law enforcement did not differ in tolerance level. So while they did tell the enraged locals not to resort to lynching, they quietly assisted in the educational process, according to
Results: 18 in the hospital, 33 in the local detention centre, and a burning desire among them all to go back home.
“Welcome to Russia. We’re delighted to have visitors, but you mustn’t forget, you are guests here.”

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